Monday, January 2, 2012

...Holiday {Christmas} Card Display

Yet again these sisters find two different ways to achieve the same purpose: get those Christmas cards off the counter and on display! Oddly enough both sisters decide to display the cards in a mobile-style, though one whips one up quickly by calling on Pottery Barn, and the other whips one up quickly by repurposing a few yards to string and thread to create one from scratch.

Mary Martha

Lay out cards in desired arrangement. Punch holes in tops and bottoms as necessary to connect the cards while keeping the mobile in balance. {Note: I did not have a hole punch, so I used a straight edge to make a small X instead of a hole. This proved equally effective.}

Connect cards with string/thread, securing knots large enough that the string won't fall through the card.

Hang in a fun location when finished!

Cost: virtually nothing. The cards were free {thanks, friends and family!} and I used up old embroidery floss and some silver cord from a previous Christmas project.

Time: less than the time it takes to watch Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause. :}



Little Annie

Now, I realize that this solution is a pretty serious cop-out.  Before you judge too much {go ahead, judge a feels good sometimes} just know that my birthday is less than a month before Christmas, and my fireplace mantle quickly gets overwhelmed by the myriad birthday and holiday cards.  Plus, December is a particularly busy time at work, so to be able to just hang this item up and then slide cards into pre-made slots in two seconds is very appealing.  Also, I'm considering keeping this up year-round for all those wedding invitations, birth announcements and other fun items that we may otherwise put on the fridge or add to the pile of clutter on the kitchen table or counter.  Clutter-free kitchen + effortless display of cards = WINNING.  Check it out:

Purchase Holiday Card Holder from Pottery Barn.

Hang on desired wall, door or bookcase.

Cost:  $50.  {Admittedly, it's a bit pricey, but check the time investment below.}

Time:  however long it takes you to place an order on-line and then hang {or have your handy co-hort hang} on desired surface.

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